07 April / 2022ORME recrute : ingénieur Vision / Machine Learning (h/f) CDI à Toulouse. Rejoignez-nous !
06 April / 2022TrackCam : simultaneous control of multi-brand high-speed cameras
Camera setup and configuration can be time-consuming. Following our customer’s requests, ORME has developed TrackCam, a multi-brand camera control tool. From camera settings (Frame rate, Resolution, Trigger parameters, …) to video processing, TrackCam allows you to automate your video recording on the widely popular high speed camera brands such as IDT, Photron, Vision Research, and more.
Want to know more? Get in touch! -
24 December / 2021Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Stay Safe!
22 December / 2021Découvrez ce portrait croisé de Marie-Laurence et Luc dans cette séquence "Le Numérique au féminin".
16 December / 2021Winter is at our doors! ORME’s team is learning from the best with motion tracking from TrackImage to improve their techniques and get ready to shred the ski slopes! Want to know more? Get in touch! #trackimage #trackreport #MotionTracking
27 October / 2021October is @NHTSA National Pedestrian Safety Month. We usually think of the car and its occupants... But there is a whole environment around a moving vehicle, such as pedestrians! With #TrackImage and #TrackReport, ORME is proud to contribute to safer roads for all users.
18 October / 2021RT @LucOriat: Pause dans les vignes! Devinez pour quel projet R&D ? #R2T2 Le Robot de Taille de la vigne @OrmeSignalImage
17 September / 2021RT @Digital113_: [🎬LIVE #digitalFTR ] Pourquoi et comment détecter les chutes de personnes âgées : découvrez un capteur de chute non intrusif pour les maisons de retraite avec @OrmeSignalImage #esanté #numerique
17 September / 2021RT @Digital113_: [🎬LIVE #digitalFTR ] Plus que quelques minutes avant Cap Numérique ! Au programme : 11 cas d'usage pour répondre aux besoins de la santé ! En route vers la transfo num avec @Be_BotDesign @ESII_FR @Urgences_chrono @moveinmed @KanopyMed @alaxione @OrmeSignalImage @Kyomed_Health
28 June / 2021The return of the traditional ORME #picnic. Like a return to normal life!